The 2016 Annual Meeting was held last month in St. Petersburg, Florida. Attendance was up again this year, with over 180 attendees. Participants had the chance to reconnect with colleagues, customers and suppliers, and they heard the latest on the economy, the 2016 election, the scrap market, the rod market, and managing the multi-generational workforce. Presentations are now available on the Past Events page of the website. Mark your calendars for the next Annual Meeting – February 20-22, 2017 at the Meritage Resort in Napa, California.
Attendees enjoyed 2 outdoor receptions, giving everyone time to enjoy the warm evenings before heading out to business dinners in downtown St. Pete.
Rich Sarver, President of Paramount Die, was the 2016 recipient of the Max Moore Entrepreneurial Spirit Award. He accepted the award from Kathleen Moore, Vice President of Oklahoma Steel & Wire, representing the Moore family. More information about the award, past recipients, and Rich Sarver’s nomination, can be found here.

Prizes for sporting events were also awarded. This year we had both golf and fishing tournaments. For golf, the winning foursome was Jon Cornelius, Sumiden Wire Products; Ronnie Johnson, Nucor; Caleb Strother, Nucor; and Larry Cummins, Cascade Rolling Mills. Mary Jane Martin won the prize for most fish in the fishing tournament.
It was a great meeting in St. Petersburg, and we hope you will join us next year in Napa Valley, CA!