US House Wire & Wire Products Caucus

The US House of Representatives Wire and Wire Products Caucus is a bipartisan coalition of Members of Congress interested in and concerned with the health of our nation’s wire and wire products manufacturers and consumers. Through informational round table discussions, public briefings and Member-to-Member communications, the Wire and Wire Products Caucus will work to help educate the Congress, Executive Branch and the broader policy community on the importance and contributions of domestic wire and wire products manufacturing to our nation’s economy, infrastructure and national security.


The Wire and Wire Products Caucus was established in 2011 in the 113th Congress  by  Representatives Sam Graves (R-6-MO) and Jim Cooper (D-5-TN), who retired in 2023. The goals of the Caucus include Education of Members of Congress and their staff on important legislative issues; and Proactive Support by the Members of the Caucus for important legislation that impacts the wire and wire products industry.



M&B Hangers Host U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL) at their Leeds, AL Facility

AWPA member M&B Hangers hosted U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL) at their Leeds, AL facility back in November of 2022. “We are grateful for the opportunity to show him our most recent equipment upgrades that follow our unbending commitment to our customers and industry since 1943.” said John T. Thomas III.

If your company is interested in hosting a member at your facility, please contact the AWPA for an invitation template as well as “Tips for Tours”.

We thank the following Members of the House who have joined the Caucus in support of their wire and wire products constituents.

To Members of the House of Representatives:

If you are not currently a member of the Caucus and you are one of the 140 House Members with a Wire or Wire Products manufacturing facility in your District, we invite you to Join the Caucus.  Contact your constituent or the AWPA Office.