Trade Update: USTR Plans to Announce Section 301 Tariff Review in August, Vietnam Remains a Non-Market Economy

Section 301: The USTR has announced that it plans to issue its final determination in its Section 301 review some time in August. The USTR also announced that any modifications to the Section 301 tariff which are scheduled to take effect in 2024 (that includes increasing the tariff rate on steel wire from 7.5% to 25%) will go into effect approximately two weeks after it makes its final determination.

The AWPA will continue to monitor developments and notify you when the USTR issues its final determination.

Vietnam: On August 2, 2024, the United States Department of Commerce denied the Government of Vietnam’s request for market economy status, pointing to “the sustained and pervasive government influence over its country’s economic activities.” Specifically, the Department determined that Vietnam will continue to be classified as anon-market economy (NME) country for purposes of calculating U.S. antidumping duties (ADs) on imports from Vietnam. Late last year, AWPA filed comments expressing opposition to “graduating” Vietnam to market economy status. Additionally, Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle weighed in with the Biden-Harris Administration in opposition to the change – most recently, 37 bipartisan Members of the Congressional Steel Caucus.