AWPA members are encouraged to host Congressional representatives at their facilities, as a key industry advocacy initiative.
If your company is interested in hosting a member at your facility, please contact the AWPA for an invitation template as well as “Tips for Tours”.
Rep Steve Womack (R-AR) Visits Bekaert’s Van Buren Wire Facility
On April 24, 2024, Representative Steve Womack (R-AR) visited AWPA member Bekaert at their Van Buren wire facility.
Bryan Sullivan, Vice President – Steel Wire Solutions, North America has this to say about the visit. “It was a good meeting. We spoke with Rep. Womack about our product portfolio, investment plans, job creation, charitable works and economic impact on the area through Bekaert’s Van Buren plant. We also discussed a few topics that were important for his constituents; BABA requirements for federally funded infrastructure projects, American manufacturing resilience, import statistics and tariff structures to name a few.”

Leggett & Platt Host the Department of Commerce at an Original Spring Plant
Leggett & Platt was pleased hosted the Department of Commerce at one of their original innerspring plants in Winchester, Kentucky in September 2022. From showing off state-of the-art coiling equipment to interacting with multi-generational, lifelong employees to hearing about the hurdles faced by American manufacturers competing on a global playing field, the Department got a firsthand look at our continuing commitment to innovation, quality, and supporting the communities where we live and work.
M&B Hangers Host U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL) at Leeds, AL Facility
AWPA member M&B Hangers hosted U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL) at their Leeds, AL facility back in November of 2022. “We are grateful for the opportunity to show him our most recent equipment upgrades that follow our unbending commitment to our customers and industry since 1943.” said John T. Thomas III.
Mid-South Wire Host Commerce Department in Nashville
AWPA member company Mid-South Wire (Nashville, TN) recently hosted several key members of the Commerce Department, that included Lisa Wang, Assistant Secretary for Enforcement & Compliance.
They did a full tour of the facilities and had a lengthy discussion period to talk about specific trade issues that affect our business. “It was refreshing to have Washington staffers come out and see an operation so that they could visualize it and better understand it. We feel like it was very beneficial for them as well as for us.” said John T. Johnson, President of Mid-South Wire.
Sumiden Wire Products Corporation Host Assistant Secretary Lisa Wang and Department of Commerce Staff
AWPA Member Sumiden Wire Products Corporation recently hosted Assistant Secretary Lisa Wang and Commerce staff. Sumiden President Brian Burr said of the visit, “I am certain Commerce personnel found it valuable to see the range of wire sizes and products and the contribution of each process to the cost structure of those products. Our plant tour and production presentations were an exceptional education opportunity for Commerce staff. They were highly engaged and inquisitive throughout the entire process.”
The team from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Enforcement and Compliance bureau , were enthusiastic regarding our newly updated and detailed SEMA data. We shared our analysis of the data and made some recommendations regarding compliance issues and our comments were positively welcomed by the staff.