
About AWPA


As a producer of wire and/or wire products or as a supplier to this industry, you have an ever increasing stake in this market and its potential. The AWPA offers members an opportunity to be current on supply chain news and developments and to affect legislation and policies that impact the wire industry.


You Are

  • A North American producer of wire and/or wire products, or supplier to this industry, that has a stake in this market and its potential, and a drive to stay globally competitive.
  • A cutting edge company that stays current on supply chain news.
  • A savvy leader that understands the importance of staying on top of legislation and policy changes that impact the wire industry.
  • Ready to make an investment in your company’s future!


We Are

  • An interactive, member-driven forum offering year round trade and networking opportunities.
  • A source of ongoing education for you and your staff.
  • A collective voice to address issues of concern to our members, and to affect legislation and policies that impact the wire industry.

Through the AWPA, the values of individual companies, who share common interests, are united in a collective voice to address issues of concern and importance.

More Information:

Benefits of Membership

Membership has benefits! Attend education programming, build your network of professional connections, shape the future of our industry through our advocacy initiatives, and access key industry data.


Discover which membership category is right for you, and complete your membership application today!


AWPA Committees are a great way to get involved in the organization.

“The AWPA provides me with invaluable domestic and global market information, industry connections and political support that I could not obtain individually or through any other organization.”

Brian Burr
Sumiden Wire Products Corporation
Active Member