2024 Annual Meeting


¡Viva México! After 20 years, we are heading back to Los Cabos—you won't want to miss this sun-drenched location!

The 2024 Annual Meeting will consist of two general sessions; committee, board, and member business meetings; two evening receptions and a variety of optional events, including the annual golf and fishing tournaments, and some fun new options! View a printable schedule here.

Going out of the country provides some challenges in preparation for this meeting. We ask for your cooperation in making this a successful AWPA event. Everything will need to be done earlier this year—most importantly, meeting registration and airline + hotel reservations. Do NOT wait until after the holidays to make your plans to attend. The hotel is already sold out for some of our dates, and airline reservations will become harder to come by. Please assist in our planning and make your plans early, and well before the New Year.

¡¡ Important notice for the 2024 Annual Meeting !!

This year in order to participate in the annual meeting’s events, you will be required to stay at the designated conference hotel—the Grand Fiesta Americana. Taking the all-inclusive rates into consideration, we have lowered the registration fee from last year, so your overall expenses should remain close to where they usually are. We have worked with the hotel to provide a competitive rate, which includes access to our group sessions, meals and events. Please visit the Accommodations tab for more information on booking your hotel room.

Registration fees: 

Member and Potential Member Fees: These registration fees cover all regular business and social events on the program for the registrant. 

$575   Early Bird Registration – closed December 14, 2024

$675   Regular Registration – closed January 22, 2024

$775   Late & On-site Registration

Companion Program Fees: This registration fee includes a Spa workshop and use of reserved AWPA cabanas, as well as social events. 

$150   Companion Program (includes workshop)

Optional Event Fees: Golf and fishing tournaments, the whale watching tour, and the margarita/guacamole class are optional events for which you must register each person wishing to attend. Please visit the Optional Events page for more information, and register for these by marking the appropriate events on the registration form.


Don't miss out on the 2024 fiesta—Join your colleagues in Los Cabos, Mexico! See who's registered so far below.  

The following list shows all reviewed attendees as of 03/04/2025.

Attendee Name Title  Company
Mr. Vern Abel President Krueger Steel & Wire
Mr. Jonathan E. Anderson Sales Guy Aztech Lubricants by Kodiak
Mr. Brad Andrews Senior Market Manager Wire Drawing Condat Corporation
Mr. Brian Archer Trading Manager Duferco Steel Inc.
Mr. Murat Askin CEO StaalX LLC
Mr. Greg Barbour Vice President, Sales Beta Steel Group
Ms. Emily Bardach Executive Director American Wire Producers Association
Mr. Jordi Barrenechea CEO WMC
Mr. Luis Barrenechea CEO Optimus Steel LLC
Mr. Joe Barrett President - Davis Wire Corporation & National Strand Heico Wire Group
Mr. Timothy W. Becker President: Hickory Springs Mfg. HSM Solutions
Mr. Scott Bernstein President Beta Steel Group
Mr. Casey Bouton President Taubensee Steel & Wire Company
Mr. Pete W. Bowen Regional Sales Manager Optimus Steel LLC
Ms. Amy Braune Director of Sales - Rod Products Leggett & Platt, Inc.
Mr. Guilherme Brum General Manager Traxit North America, LLC
Mr. Brian Burr Chairman Sumiden Wire Products Corporation
Cathy Byrnes Valbruna Group
Mr. Joe Carrero Owner- President Intermetals LLC
Mr. Mike Carroll Vice President Supply Chain Accent Wire
Mr. Alejandro Castano VP OF SALES Mid Continent Steel and Wire Inc.
Mr. Jon Cornelius President Sumiden Wire Products Corporation
Jacob Couture International Trade Compliance Analyst US Department of Commerce
Mrs. Nancy Davies Chief Operating Officer Tree Island Steel
Mr. Brad Davis Director of Sales and Marketing Charter Steel
Mr. Reggie Davis Founder & President Uplift Coaching & Consulting
Mr. Marco Dell'Oro Sales Manager Mario Frigerio S.p.A.
Mr. Jan Deruytter Director, Manufacturing Productivity Improvement Lincoln Electric Company
Mr. Scott Dillaha Director, Wire Rod Sales ArcelorMittal Long Products
Mr. Tim Dillon Sr. VP Sales and Marketing Liberty Steel USA
Mr. Clifford E. Donahue Raw Material Purchaser Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Mr. Deron Dunbar Director of Sales & Marketing Ivaco Rolling Mills Ltd.
Mr. David Duncan Jr. President/CEO Granite Falls Furnace
Mr. Matthew Duncan Vice President Granite Falls Furnace
Mr. Sebastian Frey VP Long Products Tata International
Mr. Shawn Gill President and CEO Stemcor USA Inc.
Mr. Rolando Gonzalez General Manager/Mexico M&B Metal Products Company
Mr. Garry Goodson President WireTech, Inc.
Mr. Mike Hadley Midwest Mill Sales Manager Valbruna Group
Mr. Mark Hall Sales Manager NA Schlatter North America Inc.
Mr. William Heileg Purchasing G3 Steel Group, LLC
Ms. Rebekah Hoffman Regional Sales Rep. Optimus Steel LLC
Mr. Mark Hurt General Manager WCJ Pilgrim Wire
Mr. Mark Jacinto Director of Sales Optimus Steel LLC
Mr. John T. Johnson Jr. President Mid-South Wire Company
Mr. Simon Jones Assistant Director of Operations WCJ Pilgrim Wire
Mr. Stephen Jurewicz Sales Manager Nucor
Mr. Michael Kallas Senior Director of Procurement Bekaert Corporation
Mr. Brian Killam Sales Manager - Western Division Gerard Daniel Worldwide
Mr. John King Vice President - Sales Liberty Steel USA
Mr. Jochen Koch President Morgan-Koch Corporation
Mr. Albert Kozlowski Vice President Morgan-Koch Corporation
Mr. Christopher Lam Regional Sales Rep Optimus Steel LLC
Mr. Luis Eugenio Leal Rangel Director of Trade and Government Affairs Mid Continent Steel and Wire Inc.
Mr. Paul Lewitsch Senior Vice President PISEC Group America
Mr. Mack Magnus President M&B Metal Products Company
Mr. Milton M. Magnus III CEO M&B Metal Products Company
Mr. Jarrett Martin President MAR-MAC Industries, Inc.
Mr. John W. Martin III CEO MAR-MAC Industries, Inc.
Mr. Daniel Matthews Director for Industrial Goods Office of the United States Trade Representative
Mr. Michael McDonald Sourcing Director, Direct Categories ITW Construction
Mr. Ronnie L Meiers General Manager Schlatter North America Inc.
Mr. John D. Meyer Vice President Commercial, Rods & Wire Leggett & Platt, Inc.
Ms. Kathleen Moore Vice President Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Ms. Patricia J. Moore Sales Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Mr. Robert Moriarty General Manager Gerard Daniel Worldwide
Mr. Chris Motley National Sales Manager-Trading Intermetals LLC
Mr. Andre Norman Founder Academy of Hope
Mr. Chad Novak Territory Manager Ivaco Rolling Mills Ltd.
Mr. Michael O'Malley District Sales Manager Nucor
Ms. Heather E Outhuse Associate Director American Wire Producers Association
Mr. Nickolus R. Pigott Vice President- Stainless & Nickel Alloys Tri Star Metals LLC
Mr. Patricio Pimentel Global Steel Sourcing Director Heico Wire Group
Mr. Mitchell Presser National Sales Manager USA G3 Steel Group, LLC
Mr. Farid Qureshi Director Strategic Sourcing ITW Shakeproof Automotive
Mr. Lou Richards Vice President Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Ms. Jeynae Saillard Meetings Manager American Wire Producers Association
Mr. Richard D. Sarver President Paramount Die
Mr. Alan Schrofer National Accounts Director Liberty Steel USA
Mr. Eric Schuenemeyer Vice President of Operations
Mr. Nick Schultz Commercial Director - Engineered Bar Nucor
Mr. David Scribner Purchasing King Steel Corporation
Kristy Scribner Owner King Steel Corporation
Mr. Bill Sims CEO Accent Wire
Mr. Jeff Slater Chief Business Development Officer Fort Wayne Metals Research Products Corporation
Mr. Jan Sorige President Enkotec Company Inc.
Mr. Matthew St. John Sales Manager - Wire rod ArcelorMittal Long Products
Mr. Andre Stephan Materials Manager WireTech, Inc.
Ms. Amanda Stimart Meetings Director American Wire Producers Association
Mr. Brett Stoler Vice President WMC
Mr. Bryan Sullivan VP of Steel Wire Solutions Bekaert Corporation
Mr. Andy Talbot Vice President / General Manager Mid-South Wire Company
Ms. Nancy Taubensee Vice President, Sales & Marketing Taubensee Steel & Wire Company
Mr. Joshua Terwelp Trading Manager Tata International
Mr. Brian Toth Territory Manager
Mr. Fernando Villanueva President & CEO Mid Continent Steel and Wire Inc.
Mr. Ian Walsh CEO Wire-Bond
Mr. Kevin Walsh Vice President Trading Macsteel International USA Corporation
Mr. David J. Weinand Executive Vice President Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Mr. Scott Weinberg Purchasing Manager Taubensee Steel & Wire Company
Mr Kobus Wilson Senior Vice President Trading Macsteel International USA Corporation
Mr. H. O. Woltz III President and CEO Insteel Industries Inc.
Ms. Dana S. Wood Director of Government Relations Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
Mr. James R. York Senior VP Insteel Industries Inc.
Ms. Kimberly Young Counsel Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, LLP