2024 Government Affairs Conference


Join us in Washington, DC this September to discuss the state of affairs with industry colleagues, and to speak to lawmakers to advocate for your company and for domestic steel wire manufacturing. There may never be a more important time to speak to your legislators about your industry’s issues. The AWPA will provide the tools, but YOU are the best ambassador for your company and your employees. Join North American wire producers in DC this September and make your voice heard. 

2025-2026: Preparing for Cyclical Changes
Connor Lokar, Senior Forecaster, ITR Economics

Conflicting trends characterized the first half of 2024, with lingering concerns regarding future actions by the Federal Reserve Board and the pace of disinflation. Some leading indicators were rising; others remained mired in decline. The reasonably good financial status of consumers in general and robust business cash balances in many industries kept the downside of the business cycle mild in 2024. Join us as we look at the trends for 2025 and into 2026, including the onset of recovery in the industrial economy and a faster rate of rise in most of the service sector. We will look at key markets domestically and globally and their expected impact on attendees. Knowing what to watch for and the probable timing of the reversal will give you confidence as you lay out your plans. Specific action items pertinent to the macro and industry-specific outlook are important parts of the discussion as businesses prepare to maximize profit and prepare for the rest of the decade.

Federal Policies Shaping the Domestic Steel Industry
Kevin Dempsey, President and CEO, American Iron and Steel Institute

Kevin will provide an in-depth discussion on the current state and future outlook of the steel industry. He will examine the effects of recent legislation and trade policy developments on the sector, as well as provide an outlook regarding pending legislation that could shape the competitive landscape in the U.S. and globally. Additionally, Kevin will highlight the latest sustainability initiatives being undertaken by the industry, showcasing innovative practices and technologies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of steel production and advancing the industry's sustainability goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain expert insights from one of the leading voices in the steel sector.

2024 Election Outlook
Jim Ellis, Senior Political Analyst, Business-Industry Political Action Committee

As we gather in our nation’s capital less than two months from Election Day, join us for some timely political prognosticating. One of Washington’s leading political experts will share his insights on the outlook for the November elections, with the nation’s balance of power on the line. In addition to providing an overview of the Presidential battleground – the 7th Presidential “rematch” in U.S. history – we’ll also dig into some of the more pivotal Congressional races. You’ll hear an entertaining and data-packed assessment of how it all might shake out at the ballot box.

Navigating Trade Policy: Insights and Updates
Cara Morrow, Senior Advisor, United States Trade Representative (USTR)
Cara will provide an update on the Biden Administration’s trade policy agenda and issues of interest to the wire and wire products sector and the steel industry more broadly. Cara has more than two decades of experience in trade and industrial policy, including work on steel-specific issues as Director of Policy within the Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration. Now in a leading role at USTR, Cara will provide an update on the US-EU Global Arrangement talks, including both the overcapacity and sustainability pillars, as well as the outlook for the Section 232 program. Cara will also discuss other bilateral and multilateral developments of interest, including ongoing talks with the Mexican government on steel trade. She will provide an update on the US-China trade and economic relationship and the Administration’s efforts to combat China’s unfair trade practices – including the President’s recent decision to increase the Section 301 tariffs on a host of products in strategic sectors, including steel. Please join us for this informative presentation and question and answer session with one of the Administration’s foremost experts on trade and industrial policy.

*Check back as we continue to add program content & speakers!*

Congressional Visits
Take advantage of this opportunity and head to Capitol Hill this fall with AWPA. On Thursday, September 19, you'll be paired up with others who have facilities in your districts whenever possible, and will have materials and talking points to assist you at the visits. We make it easy for you to advocate for our industry. Learn more.


SCHEDULE (all times in Eastern): (Printable Schedule of Events).

Wednesday, September 4, 2024
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Congressional Visits Issues Briefing Webinar
(for Congressional Visits Participants, all interested AWPA members are welcome)
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Congressional Visits Logistics Briefing Webinar
(for Congressional Visit participants)
Thursday, September 12, 2024
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting (Virtual)
(committee members only)
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
12:00 pm – 2:30 pm Board of Directors Meeting & Lunch
(committee members only)
2:00 pm – 5:30 pm Registration Open
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Stainless Committee Meeting
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Membership Committee Meeting
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Opening Reception
Thursday, September 19, 2024
8:15 am – 11:30 am General Session
11:30 am – 12:15 pm Lunch (final hill meeting logistics) 
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm Congressional Visits on Capitol Hill
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Reception (Invitations to Members and key staff)
Sponsored by Kelley Drye
Friday, September 20, 2024
8:00 am – 10:30 am Congressional Visits Debriefing Breakfast
Administration Speaker - Cara Morrow, Senior Advisor to the US Trade Rep



Check back to see who has registered. 

The following list shows all reviewed attendees as of 03/14/2025.

Attendee Name Title  Company
Mr. George Antonopoulos Chief Financial Manager Tri Star Metals LLC
Mr. Murat Askin CEO StaalX LLC
Mr. Greg Barbour Vice President, Sales Beta Steel Group
Ms. Emily Bardach Executive Director American Wire Producers Association
Mr. Jordi Barrenechea CEO WMC
Mr. Joe Barrett President - Davis Wire Corporation & National Strand Heico Wire Group
Mr. Timothy W. Becker President: Hickory Springs Mfg. HSM Solutions
Mr. Dan Berkowitz Strategic Marketing Manager Bekaert Corporation
Mr. Scott Bernstein President Beta Steel Group
Ms. Amy Braune Director of Sales - Rod Products Leggett & Platt, Inc.
Mr. Brian Burr Chairman Sumiden Wire Products Corporation
Mrs. Kathleen Cannon Partner Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
Mr. Mike Carroll Vice President Supply Chain Accent Wire
Mr. Alejandro Castano VP OF SALES Mid Continent Steel and Wire Inc.
Mr. Jon Cornelius President Sumiden Wire Products Corporation
Ms. Maggie Crosswy Government Relations Advisor Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
Mrs. Nancy Davies Chief Operating Officer Tree Island Steel
Mr. Kevin Dempsey President and CEO American Iron and Steel Institute
Mr. Tim Dillon Sr. VP Sales and Marketing Liberty Steel USA
Mr. Clifford E. Donahue Raw Material Purchaser Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Mr. Deron Dunbar Director of Sales & Marketing Ivaco Rolling Mills Ltd.
Mr. David Duncan Jr. President/CEO Granite Falls Furnace
Mr. Matthew Duncan Vice President Granite Falls Furnace
Mr. Jim Ellis Senior Political Analyst BIPAC
Robert England Senior Reporter Fastmarkets
Mr. Sebastian Frey VP Long Products Tata International
Mr. Edward P. Goettl Optimus Steel LLC
Francis Michael Hayes Director of Sales EVRAZ North America
Netzer Hernandez Regional Sales Rep Optimus Steel LLC
Ms. Rebekah Hoffman Regional Sales Rep. Optimus Steel LLC
Mr. David Hudson Director - Wire Rod Sales ArcelorMittal Long Products
Mr. Mark Jacinto Director of Sales Optimus Steel LLC
Elizabeth Johnson Special Counsel Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
Mr. John T. Johnson Jr. President Mid-South Wire Company
Mr. Simon Jones Assistant Director of Operations WCJ Pilgrim Wire
Mr. Stephen Jurewicz Sales Manager Nucor
Mr. Michael Kallas Senior Director of Procurement Bekaert Corporation
Mr. Brian Killam Sales Manager - Western Division Gerard Daniel Worldwide
Mr. John King Vice President - Sales Liberty Steel USA
Mr. Akihiro Kotani President
Mr. Christopher Lam Regional Sales Rep Optimus Steel LLC
Mr. Luis Eugenio Leal Rangel Director of Trade and Government Affairs Mid Continent Steel and Wire Inc.
Mr. Connor Lokar Senior Analyst ITR Economics
Mr. Mack Magnus President M&B Metal Products Company
Mr. Milton M. Magnus III CEO M&B Metal Products Company
Kimars Mahmoodi Vice President & General Manager - Davis Wire Heico Wire Group
Mr. Jarrett Martin President MAR-MAC Industries, Inc.
Mr. John W. Martin III CEO MAR-MAC Industries, Inc.
Mr. John D. Meyer Vice President Commercial, Rods & Wire Leggett & Platt, Inc.
Mr. Ethan Moore Quality Assurance Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Ms. Kathleen Moore Vice President Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Ms. Cara Morrow Senior Advisor, USTR Office of the United States Trade Representative
Mr. Chris Motley National Sales Manager-Trading Intermetals LLC
Mr. Alex Nedergaard Global Sourcing Director, Mild Steel Lincoln Electric Company
Mr. Chad Novak Territory Manager Ivaco Rolling Mills Ltd.
Ms. Heather E Outhuse Associate Director American Wire Producers Association
Mr. Martin J. Payton III President Precision Metal Services, Inc.
Mr. Nickolus R. Pigott Vice President- Stainless & Nickel Alloys Tri Star Metals LLC
Mr. Patricio Pimentel Global Steel Sourcing Director Heico Wire Group
Mr. Juan Antonio Reboulen Institutional Relations & Trade Affairs Deacero S.A.PI. de C.V.
Mr. Lou Richards Vice President Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Ms. Jeynae Saillard Meetings Manager American Wire Producers Association
Mr. Richard D. Sarver President Paramount Die
Mr. Alan Schrofer National Accounts Director Liberty Steel USA
Mr. Eric Schuenemeyer Vice President of Operations
Mr. Nick Schultz Commercial Director - Engineered Bar Nucor
Mr. David Scribner Purchasing King Steel Corporation
Mr. Bill Sims CEO Accent Wire
Mr. Jeff Slater Chief Business Development Officer Fort Wayne Metals Research Products Corporation
Mr. Bryan Sullivan VP of Steel Wire Solutions Bekaert Corporation
Mr. Andy Talbot Vice President / General Manager Mid-South Wire Company
Ms. Nancy Taubensee Vice President, Sales & Marketing Taubensee Steel & Wire Company
Mr. Joshua Terwelp Trading Manager Tata International
Robert Tulloch Territory Manager Ivaco Rolling Mills Ltd.
Mr. Paul Vannini Director of Operations - National Strand Products Heico Wire Group
Mr. Fernando Villanueva President & CEO Mid Continent Steel and Wire Inc.
Mr. Frederick P. Waite General Counsel Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, LLP
Mr. Kevin Walsh Vice President Trading Macsteel International USA Corporation
Mr. David J. Weinand Executive Vice President Oklahoma Steel & Wire Company, Inc.
Mr. Scott Weinberg Purchasing Manager Taubensee Steel & Wire Company
Ashleigh Wilson Manager and Counsel, Federal Government Affairs Nucor
Mr Kobus Wilson Senior Vice President Trading Macsteel International USA Corporation
Mr. H. O. Woltz III President and CEO Insteel Industries Inc.
Ms. Dana S. Wood Director of Government Relations Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
Mr. James R. York Senior VP Insteel Industries Inc.
Ms. Kimberly Young Counsel Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, LLP